SGA’s new project
The SGA has been working diligently this semester to listen and to meet the needs of our students and staff. One of the projects taken on by one of our Senators, Haley Frechette, was to replace the old, outdated water fountain inside of Dewey Hall. This water fountain did not have one of the filtered water bottle filling stations that have recently been installed inside all of the residence halls and in some of the other buildings around campus. Since there are already fountains like this around campus, no extra parts or expertise is needed when dealing with these new stations.
This project was suggested by both students and staff who work in Dewey Hall. The old water fountain did not allow for Keurig Water Holders or Electric Kettles to be filled, which was inconvenient for the offices within the building who enjoy making coffee and tea. This new station allows for bottles and containers of all shapes and sizes to be filled upright instead of having to tilt them downwards and not be able to fill them all the way.
This new water fountain allows students to use their new Northern Vermont University insulated water bottles that all new and returning students received at the beginning of the academic year wherever they may be. It encourages students to drink more water and stay hydrated as well as to protect the environment by reducing the number of plastic bottles we are putting into the oceans and streets.

The new installation
The hope of this project is to bring light to the importance of these water bottle filling stations with the intentions of installing more around campus in the buildings that do not have them, such as the Willey Library and Learning Center and Stearns Student Center. We would like to thank the Maintainance and Physical Plant crew for their hard work, not just on this fountain but for everything they do for us on this campus. They work long, hard hours to keep the roads and walkways safe and the plumbing and electricity working smoothly along with many other tasks that would take too long to name.
Thank you Maintainance crew!