New organization focuses on making college less complicated and stressful


High levels of stress and overwhelm are the hallmarks of the collegiate student. Our professors warn us to stay ahead of our work because if we’re not feeling it now, we soon will be.

We start each year with a plan for how to organize ourselves better in order to avoid this seemingly inevitable breakdown in time management and overall competency. We expect to feel this incredible burden of stress because we know that college is hard. And while it’s true that college is hard, that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated.

The Student Hub is a new service on campus dedicated to making college less complicated and, hopefully, less stressful. The goal of the Student Hub, where I am completing my senior internship this year, is to provide students with quick access to general information about the many supports, services, and opportunities available at NVU-Johnson in a casual, one-stop shop environment.

Have a problem but aren’t sure which office is the best to bring it to? Come see me and I’ll tell you the best place to go.

Feeling completely overwhelmed but can’t put your finger on why? Feel free to just come in for a chat.

Sometimes talking through the feelings of stress and overwhelm is enough to discover what the cause is.

This sort of peer-to-peer guidance and support will always be geared toward the same end result: I’ll inform you of the best service and resources on campus that can help you have a successful year.

The Student Hub will have information available about balancing academic success with general wellness, as well as a variety of printed information provided from many of the offices from around campus. In addition, there’s comfortable couches and chairs and if the door is open, feel free to come in, say hi and relax.

The Student Hub is located in Dewey, Room 149(formerly known as the Women’s Center). The hours are Tuesday 5-8 pm and Wednesday 2-5pm.