The student-run community news site of Vermont State University - Johnson

Basement Medicine

The student-run community news site of Vermont State University - Johnson

Basement Medicine

The student-run community news site of Vermont State University - Johnson

Basement Medicine

Everywhere all at once

Tammy Egan
Maya Nasta with a golden-doodle, Lucy

Maya Nasta is the Assistant Director for Student Activities and Student Life. The following interview was conducted over email.

What brought you to VTSU-Johnson the previous year?
This is the end of my first year here with VTSU-Johnson. I started in June just before the school year! I applied because my father is an alumnus he got his degree in Special Education (class of 1983 or 1984 he couldn’t remember)! I also attended basketball camps here back when I was in high school and often went to watch the men’s and women’s basketball games with my friends.

What are your responsibilities as Assistant Director for Student Activities, as well as working for the whole of Student Life?
Some of my main responsibilities are being the advisor for Student Activities (SLAP) as well as SGA. For SLAP, I work with the students to plan events ahead of time for each semester and make sure the spaces are booked, flyers are made, and any materials are ordered. During our weekly meetings, I make sure students are assigned to events as well as go over any updates about upcoming events. I also work on the back end with the agents of any acts … to make sure the contracts are fulfilled, checks paid, and hotels booked. I work a lot with CES and Sodexo for any catering orders as well! I’m big on collaborations so if we can work with a club or department, I always try to push for that! This year we worked a lot with Athletics, COMS, Unity, Dibden and the Wellness center.

I’m also the advisor of our Student Government chapter. For that, I attend the weekly meetings and provide Advisor updates, which can range from all sorts of topics. This year, there has been a large focus on making a Unified Constitution for the SGAs on all the campuses. So, I’ve been meeting with the other SGA advisors on the other campuses, the Director of Campus Activities, and our current President, Nat, to help make sure that was completed in time for voting this April. I also order items and supplies for clubs and spread awareness about events they have coming up through “Where’s the Fun.”

I also am in charge of the Badger Burrow, and the Badger Boutique and Pantry. Luckily, our SLAP students have been great with helping me order supplies and keep those areas clean and stocked! Lastly, I am also the advisor for our SERVE and National Society of Leadership and Success programs. I also help to plan the schedule for fall and spring Orientation and Summer Days. As well as being a part of the planning committee for Homecoming!

What brought you to working with the Student Government Association?
Part of my job description was to be the advisor for SGA. Before starting I didn’t have much experience with Student Government, but both SGA Presidents I’ve worked with have been great with helping to catch me up. Now I’m confident we have a strong group of members. I encourage everyone to learn more about Student Government as a whole, and to join even if you haven’t had much experience!

If you could have lunch with any current, or historical public figure, who would it be?
Michelangelo. My sister’s a huge fan and I’d probably bring her with us!

How do you envision your ideal spring day?
Warm and Sunny! Probably taking my brothers’ two puppies on a walk in Mills Riverside Park or to the stream next to it. I don’t personally have any pets, but both my parents have a dog. A pug and a lab mix.

In reflecting upon the previous school year, what have you enjoyed about working with S.L.A.P as well as the SGA team?
I’ve really enjoyed the creativity from the students. Being new this year I wasn’t sure what the culture of the student body would be and if certain events would be successful or not. We have new students for both SGA and SLAP and seeing them come in with fresh ideas and perspectives has been great! They have been open to putting spins on previous events or new events that the school has never done before.

Did you have any challenges that came from working with S.L.A.P and SGA?
Having a smaller student body has been challenging. My previous school we held a lot of events Thursday through Saturday, and most events had between 100-200 students when it came to trips, stage shows, dance etc. I’ve found here having events Monday through Wednesday works better. I’ve also had to adjust my mindset on what we consider a good turnout for events. We’re always going to push for as big a turnout as possible and if not, what was the reason for a smaller attendance? SLAP and SGA students put a lot of planning and work into each event, so we want to see that reflected in the turnout.

If any, what is one book, podcast, or song you cannot live without?
Right now, it’s a tie between SpaghettII and Alien Superstar by Beyoncé.

Is there anything you hope to manifest for the future of the Student Activities Collective, as well as the Student Government Association?
I hope to continue to grow the number of students interested in both groups and attending events, clubs and activities around campus. They are a great way to build leadership experience and help make the campus more engaging! Students can join at any time with any level of experience. A couple of the new students this year have already grown so much and provided a ton of new ideas and programs.

Coffee or tea?
Both! I prefer iced over hot.

What do you hope to be remembered, and celebrated for, in your work with Student Activities and Student Life?
I hope that my work reflects all the hard work everyone is putting into reviving campus, especially after lockdown. Making the new normal getting out of your room and being excited for all the events happening around campus!

What is your earliest childhood memory?
Probably going to Hershey park with my Grandpa and Grandma. I can’t remember what age, just that I was very young!

If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be? Why?
I think I’m happy with my age now!

Which youth trend do you believe is the most confusing and why?
It’s not a trend anymore but the Tide Pod challange and devious lick. One you could get really sick from, and the other was theft.

What are some of the most memorable places you visited?
Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon.

Why do you find that place (these places) the most memorable?
Seeing them in pictures and on TV make them look smaller than they are! Also the fact that they were thousands of years in the making.

Do you have anything else you would like to share?
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About the Contributor
Heike Chaney
Heike Chaney, Staff Writer, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Transfer Student, Interdisciplinary Studies (Theatre & Communications) Based in Hartford, VT Fall 2023-Present SLAP Coordinator & DANCELAND Club Member I can do a shockingly good Judy Garland impression, and I have been in over 22 Theatre productions since the sixth grade! ;) Favorite Roles: Adela Van Norman (THE IT GIRL); Martha Cratchitt (A CHRISTMAS CAROL); Chutney Wyndham (LEGALLY BLONDE).