JSC blood drive yields 115 pints from 130 donors

Give blood, give life
JSC’s Oct. 23 American Red Cross Blood Drive in SHAPE yielded 115 pints from 130 donors, continuing the college’s tradition of giving blood. The disparity between donors and yield partially reflected the number of donors whose blood had low levels of iron.
While seemingly modest, the college’s efforts could have significant repercussions, according to JSC Coordinator of Community Service Samantha Flint. “Our blood donations could be shipped to over 2500 hospitals in the nation. When you donate blood you really are making a difference,” she said.
Donors have different reasons for giving blood, but a common one is simply the desire to help someone, somewhere.
“I donated because I am a common blood type and want to make a difference,” said JSC student Trisha Robinson.
Johnson State student Shannon McDuff expressed similar sentiments, noting, “I donated because I am a common blood type and I think that everyone should have the experience of donating blood. I want to be able to help a family member if they needed blood.”
The American Red Cross website notes that blood drives has been an important part of American community involvement since WWII. Each year the Red Cross will collect around 6.5 million units of blood. One pint of blood can save up to three lives.