New club alert: For any students interested in documentary production, journalism, film, or media, the documentary club is currently looking for members.
The club needs at least three members and a faculty adviser in order to become SGA recognized. Currently, it is looking for a secretary, a treasurer, production staff, research team, and camera crew.
According to club President Mickey Frances, the first project planned is a documentary about a 2022 controversy at Randolph Union High School, where a transgender student was harassed. The incident led to several other students being harassed as well.
“The incident in Randolph sparked my desire to form the club to begin with,” wrote Frances. “I always had a love and fascination for documentaries, and hearing a first-hand account of this story from a friend who was impacted by it inspired me to make it my first project.”
Future projects may focus on true crime and intriguing individualistic stories. Members’ ideas and suggestions are also welcome and encouraged.
Students who wish to join or take on a specific role can email Frances at [email protected]. The meeting time and location are still to be determined.
Burgeoning documentary club
Jill Pressman
October 29, 2024
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About the Contributor

Jill Pressman, Staff Writer, Web Editor
Jill Pressman (they/them) is a creative writing major. They have been on the Basement Medicine staff for a year. They enjoy long walks on the beach and using Pinterest for storyboarding whatever creative writing projects they are working on.